Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fedora Live CD

Since I was so busy during reading week I did not get a chance to do the fedora live CD until very recently. I first went to the seneca wiki page and found links on how to do the live cd.

Using the live cd how to I tried the sample command there to see if it would work and it did, it started making a live cd but I had to make my own personal version so I stopped the process.

I first had to get a kickstart file to edit, I looked in the /usr/share/spin-kickstarts/ directory where i found fedora-livecd-desktop.ks, I then issued the command "cp fedora-livecd-desktop.ks /home/jddeni/" to save it to my home directory.

Before the %packages section I put a repo command to add the rpm from it into the live cd.

repo --name="jddeni" --baseurl=

In the packages section I took out the fedora branding and put my own by placing these lines in the kickstart file:

# add generic branding

#Remove Fedora Branding

When I ran it the first time using the command

livecd-creator --config=/home/jddeni/fedora-livecd-desktop.ks --fslabel=Refuge Live Cd --cache=/var/cache/live

it stopped working saying it couldn't find my package, I was completely confused about this because there were no typo's or anything. I later realized, due to Chris Tyler's help, that when I put the entire filename, jddeni-release-1-1-fc10.noarch.rpm it won't work, so I had to take off the 1-1-fc10.noarch.rpm and leave it as just "jddeni-release" and luckily it worked.

The whole process lasted about half an hour to make but it finally worked, I now have Refuge.iso and plan on putting in on a cd soon.

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